“At seventeen weeks pregnant, an ultrasound revealed that I was carrying twins, but that I had lost one. The surviving fetus had omphalocele, (a condition where the abdominal wall was not closed). I was advised by doctors to abort this fetus because the many ultrasounds did not give a positive outlook for this child. We prayed to God, and turned to Apostle Everton and Pastor Tracy, to pray and stand in faith with us for this miracle child. God gave us the faith to hold on, and to trust Him to deliver, despite all the negative ultrasound reports.
When our baby was born, he had to have coverings over every orifice of his body to prevent infection, and he had surgery to close his tummy. However, our son pulled through strong; our miracle child was named Edem, meaning Delivered by God. He is now free of the many tubes. Edem is indeed a miracle child and it is all God’s doing!”